Cochin University College of Engineering Kuttanad, CUSAT
       SATTVA 2024 schedule        SATTVA 2024 Rules

Uploaded on 11th March

In the wake of the state government, UGC and CUSAT directions (attached), students and staff are advised to take personal hygiene to stay away from COVID19

1. Long journeys are not advisable at this point of time owing to risk of infection. In unavoidable journeys, strictly follow hand and face hygiene (do not touch face with unwashed hands, follow instructions for washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, cover face with surgical mask - COVID19 virus being large in size, can not penetrate masks).
2. Possibilities of infection are through direct contact with infected persons and touching surfaces which were in contact with infected persons, within 12 hours. Keep away from others by at least 1 metre while speaking. Wash your hands frequently.
3. Consult nearby health centre (government hospital, preferably) in case of any symptoms of fever or cough.
4. Check your health after long travels.
5. Do not spread fake news (liable to punishment!). Be attentive to the directions of the Department of Health, State and Central Governments and follow them.
6. Do not waste your time, but to spend it for self learning - you may see a curtailed semester immediately followed by examinations (attention - students)!
7. Do not panic, but be alert, help others to keep vigilance and be safe.
Take care!"

University Circular :Suspension of classes .

Corona UGC Circular CUSAT.

Advisory for Universities:Corona letter from UGC .